I may not be the smartest kid in class, but I’m definitely the biggest… So I’ve been in my village for about 7 months now and I finally decided that I really want to work on improving my Swahili. My best friend in the village just happens to be a primary school teacher for second grade here. We decided a good way for me to practice would be to sit in on her classes. I then realized I’m Billy Maddison. I’m taller, bigger, and I read louder than any of the other students. I hope I pass second grade…but the work load seems a little intense. It’s a lot of fun and I think it’s helping…at least I’m learning some new songs in there.
I also just got back from running the Kili (half) Marathon in Kilimanjaro. Please note the inserted *half* in there. I think people who run 26 miles are ridiculous. Anyway, I actually jogged most of it and didn’t pass out after the first 3 miles. I really want to do it again next year and maybe I’ll actually train a little harder for it next time.
I’m also working on setting up a time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with a couple other volunteers and groups of students. We’re looking to go around November to give us plenty of time for planning and fundraising. Our plan is for each volunteer to take 4 girl orphans and pay for all the fees. Luckily the Tanzanian Government has set up programs and reduced fees for TZ residents to climb, so we’re able to take our groups of girls for a discounted price. Despite the reduced rate the total cost is still going to be quite significant so we’re looking for anyone interested in donating to help these girls climb Kili.
I know people back home have been asking about ways you can help. Any donation would be incredible and we would be so thankful here. I'm investing a lot of my time in the schools here and working on improving health standards through a dispensary building project as well as building another well in the village. We're always looking for school supplies, ways to generate income to pay school fees and for uniforms, soccer balls for after school activities, etc. If you're interested please email me at catduthie@gmail.com.
Thank you for your love and support!