So I may or may not be married to the man to the left of me. I went to a wedding last weekend which I have to say was one of the most fun things I've done so far! While my friend and I were waiting to get ready for everyone to go to the reception hall we decided to wait in the bride and groom's chairs. We were sitting there and after a little while a group of people came over to meet the 'Mzungu'. Suddenly there was a lot of commotion and people started shifting seats. I looked over and my friend was gone, there were a bunch of people around me...and the man on my left was grinning. They yelled for a picture so we quickly snapped a picture, there was more talk...then I was being introduced to his parents. Congrats to me? The reception was by far the best part! Lots of dancing, I gave a speech, and several other shoutouts to the foreigner. It's an event you don't want to miss...so I'll expect you at mine.